● What is easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1?
easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1 is a self-study reference and practice book for beginner (A1) to pre-intermediate (A2) students of Turkish.
● Which Turkish does easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1 teach?
It teaches modern standard Turkish, the dialect you read in newspapers and hear on TV channels.
● How is easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1 organised?
The grammar
To help you have a feel for how the Turkish language works the book starts with a brief introduction about Turkish spelling, pronunciation, word order and parts of speech such as verbs, nouns and adjectives. After the introduction you will study 36 units presented in order of difficulty.
Each unit covers one part of Turkish grammar explained by making references to English so that you can compare relevant areas of grammar. Areas where you may have difficulty have been treated with particular care and attention.
Each grammar topic is illustrated by plenty of real-life examples written by using the equivalents of 2000 core (basic) English words. And each and every example in the book is translated into English.
Besides grammar, easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1 teaches lots of everyday phrases and expressions so that it may also make a useful handbook for daily Turkish.
In the book some unique conventions are used for spelling, pronunciation and grammar in order to help with the learning process. Each set of suffixes in Turkish, which might be mind-boggling for speakers of European languages such as English, is highlighted with a different colour throughout the book so that you can easily spot the order and function of every suffix. You can find the colour-legend at the bottom of the pages.
The exercises
As practice makes perfect, the utmost care has been devoted to writing the exercises. At the end of the units you can find an extensive set of exercises.
The appendices
There are 11 supplementary lessons.
The key
The key includes the answers to all the exercises in the book. Online audio (both for print and Kindle versions) for the answers is available. You can find the link in the book.
The index
The index is unique in that the entries include only titles in English so that you can compare relevant areas of grammar. For example, if you want to know how to say must or express obligation in Turkish, all you need to do is refer to these titles. Here you will find information not only about how to say must in Turkish but also how Turkish suffix for must is also used to mean should. Or if you want to add -ness to an adjective or -ship to a noun, you will be referred to the relevant page where you will find that Turkish only has the suffix -lik for both.
You can see the sample pages here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon, Apple Books and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon).

easy Turkish Grammar with answers 2 is a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate (B1) to upper-intermediate (B2) students of Turkish.
It covers 37 topics in the same structure as easy Turkish Grammar with answers 1.
• Each group of suffixes in Turkish is highlighted with a different colour throughout the book so that you can easily identify the function of each suffix. You can find the colour legend at the bottom of the pages.
• Each topic is illustrated by a variety of real-life examples with accompanying English translations. The examples also include the structures that were previously introduced so that you can fully understand the topics you have already studied.
• At the end of each unit, you will find practice exercises.
• The answer key, which is also colour-coded, contains the answers to all the exercises, including sample answers to the open-ended tasks.
You can see the sample pages here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon, Apple Books and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon).

500 Turkish Words in Context provides the most common Turkish words and suffixes for A1 and A2 learners of Turkish.
In 500 Turkish Words in Context you will find four sets of words in this order:
1-150 150 nouns
151-300 150 adjectives
300-450 150 verbs
450-500 50 adverbs, pronouns, postpositions, conjunctions, question words, and suffixes
Each set includes brief grammar tips and useful patterns. Each word is exemplified in least one sentence and each example sentence is composed – to a great extent – of the preceding words on the list. So, the carefully structured list enables you to recycle the words you have already studied.
Some of the 500 headwords include further meaning relationships. For example, the headword renk (colour) covers the names of colours and giysi (clothes) covers some items of clothing and footwear. In a similar way, the headword başarmak (to succeed) lists other words from the same root such as başarı (success), başarılı (successful) and başarısız (unsuccessful). So, the number of words you can see in the index is well above 2000. You can practise all words by taking online quizzes and download the audios (4.11 hours) of all the words and example sentences in the book. You can find all the links in the book.
500 Turkish Words in Context also includes:
The most common everyday expressions and pleasantries.
A 500-word glossary of English and Turkish words with the same origin. All you need to do to add these words to your vocabulary is to see and hear them once. You will never forget them.
An index providing easy access to the words and examples.
How much can this word list help to improve your Turkish?
In a nutshell, a lot. This core vocabulary covers a great part of any conversation or text in Turkish you will be involved in and provides a sound linguistic foundation to build upon. Personally, I have benefitted tremendously from such a list as a learner of Spanish. After mastering Spanish core vocabulary, I can enjoy Netflix shows and films dubbed in Spanish with the help from Spanish subtitles. I can understand podcasts at A2 level and even daily newspapers to a great extent. My next challenge is to speak the language in real settings. But I have already built enough confidence to hold daily conversations in a variety of settings and survive in a Spanish speaking country.
You can see the sample pages here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon).

What is a verbal?
A verbal is a word that is derived from a verb through the use of suffixes. It functions as a noun, adjective, adverb, or conjunction. In this book, verbals are categorized based on their level of difficulty, ranging from A1 to C1, to assist you in understanding and navigating through them.
Take a look at these quotes that we have included in the book as examples of verbals:
Sevmek çok kısa sürüyor, unutmak çok uzun (sürüyor).
Love is so short, forgetting is so long. (Pablo Neruda)
Dünya üzerinde gördüğümüz her şey kadının eseridir.
Everything we see in the world is the work of women. (Atatürk)
Ona reddedemeyeceği bir teklif yapacağım.
I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. (The Godfather I)
Ya olduğun gibi görün ya da göründüğün gibi ol.
Either appear as you are or be as you appear. (Mevlâna Celâleddin Rumî)
Bir araştırma, İngiltere’de insanların seks yapmaktansa ev temizliği ya da egzersiz yapmayı tercih ettiğini ortaya koydu.
A study has found that people in England would rather clean the house or exercise than have sex. (from the news)
Verbals in Turkish is the first&only book that covers all the verbals you need to take your Turkish to the next level and beyond.
The main features are:
Clear, simple, and straightforward explanations.
Special attention to areas where learners may have difficulty.
Plenty of examples and exercises - with full English translations.
Full answer key.
Useful footnotes the on Turkish language.
An index that provides easy access to the verbals and examples.
You can see the sample pages here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon)

200 MOST COMMON TURKISH VERBS IN CONTEXT (2nd Edition) provides the most common Turkish verbs in context with conjugation tables and practice exercises. The 200 verbs were compiled by consulting Turkish frequency dictionaries and books for learners of Turkish.
The case suffixes required by these verbs are also provided. Each verb in the list is illustrated in 4 or 5 sentences. The example sentences are largely made up of the verbs introduced previously. The structured presentation enables you to recycle the verbs you have already studied. If you want to study a specific verb, you can easily find it from the index.
In addition, almost every verb in the list contains further meaning relationships. For example, for the verb konuşmak (to speak), these words from the same root are listed: konuşma (speech), konuşmacı (speaker), konuşkan (talkative).
And the following expressions: konuşma yapmak (to make a speech), havadan sudan konuşmak (to talk about this and that) and saçma sapan konuşmak (to talk nonsense). This means that you will learn many more words and expressions besides the 200 verbs.
You will also find lots of useful tips on spelling, pronunciation and grammar
What is new in the 2nd edition?
Firstly, the second edition has a larger paper size, more pages and a new cover. Secondly, from the second page onwards, you will find an empty conjugation table on each page, which you can use to practise the conjugation of the verb on the previous page. You will also find a two-page exercise after each set of 10 verbs. The exercises on the first page test the verbs and their required case suffixes in the sentence. Those on the second page tests the nouns, adjectives and adverbs derived from these verbs. We have also added some new grammar tips.
You can use 200 MOST COMMON TURKISH VERBS IN CONTEXT with the books or with the apps Duolingo, Mondly, Busuu and others that you are currently using to learn Turkish.
P.S. If you have purchased the 1st edition. You can contact the author via his website for the exercise pages.
You can see the sample pages here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon).

In Turkish Vocabulary Booster:Word Formation in Turkish
you will find the most common suffixes of:
Each suffix is exemplified in many words that make up 3000 basic words in Turkish. The word stems and their derived forms are listed separately so you can follow the process of derivation.
In addition to the suffixes, you will find:
a spelling and pronunciation guide with online audio.
a 500-word glossary of English and Turkish words with the same origin with online audio.
a compilation of everyday expressions and pleasantries with online audio.
You can see the sample pages from the e-book here.
You can buy it as an e-book (Amazon and Google Play) or as a paperback (Amazon). It is in black and white as a paperback.
Vocabulary Notebooks

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